WebAmigo for Zoho CRM

Effective lead generation and enrichment are critical to building customer-brand relationships in today's competitive market. WebAmigo ensures you can safely and efficiently transition your leads into potential clients, enhancing your customer experience and driving business growth. With privacy-conscious data practices, WebAmigo is your trusted partner in lead enrichment.

To install the extension

Through Zoho CRM:
  1. Navigate to the Setup page, click on the Zia -> Data Enrichment.
  2. Now click on the New Enrichment button. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to choose an enrichment type.
  3. In Select Enrichment Type, choose Personal Information.
  4. Click on Install WebAmigo Extension, and you will be redirected to the CRM in-house marketplace monitoring page.
  5. In the 'WebAmigo - Lead Enrichment for Zoho CRM' App, after you agree to the terms of service and authorize WebAmigo. Click on Install Now.
Through Zoho Marketplace (Inside CRM):
  1. Navigate to the Setup page, click on the Marketplace -> All option.
  2. Search for WebAmigo - Lead Enrichment for Zoho CRM in the search apps option.
  3. On the WebAmigo Extension description page, agree to the terms and conditions of the CRM marketplace.
  4. You will be directed to the extension install page upon agreeing to the conditions.
Through Zoho Marketplace:
  1. In https://marketplace.zoho.com search for WebAmigo - Lead Enrichment for Zoho CRM.
  2. Click on Install.
  3. On the WebAmigo Application description page, agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. On agreeing to the terms & conditions, the extension will be installed.

Managing leads using WebAmigo

Modules and their record enrichment:
  1. The modules that support Personal Information Enrichment are leads, contacts, accounts, vendors, and all custom modules except linking modules.
  2. The data fields that are provided by WebAmigo can be mapped in Module configurations either by system fields or by creating custom fields in CRM.
  3. These configurations help with the record creation or record editing by providing data from WebAmigo through the mapped fields.
Using the People Enrichment Feature after installing the app:
  1. Now, the extension is installed. Now you can proceed to the Create New Enrichment page, choose Personal Information as the option, and click Next.
  2. Now, mark the required fields and click Confirm to save the configurations.
  3. After this, whenever a user creates a new lead and enters details such as (Name and Company) / Email ID/LinkedIn ID / X (formerly Twitter) / Facebook, the Enrich Data option will be available to enrich the data.
  4. When you click the enrich data option, a pop-up will open showing the enriched data available. The user can select the data they wish to bring in and click the Update button to have the same data reflected on the lead information page.
To uninstall the extension:
  1. In the CRM Setup page, click on the Marketplace -> All option. Click on the installed tab in the marketplace sections. Click uninstall the WebAmigo extension, which will be listed under the installed extensions.
  2. Alternatively, Search for 'WebAmigo - Lead Enrichment for Zoho CRM' in Zoho Marketplace search Apps option. And on the WebAmigo Extension description page, agree to the CRM marketplace's terms and conditions and proceed to the uninstall page.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at support@webamigo.com.

Thank you for choosing WebAmigo!